欢迎. If you are adapting existing OER or creating an OER textbook from scratch, 以下信息将帮助您开始. 不要忘记回顾无障碍 还有信息. 

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Sometimes OER authors edit 在字(词) before converting the finished textbook to a PDF. Typically the they will compile a single textbook from multiple OER resources. 这 requires copying and pasting from a variety of resources and 文件s into a single Word 文件. If instructors have chosen to create their own textbook, they will need to convert 如果需要编辑,请将教科书转换成Word文件. 有时教练会选择 编写自己的教科书. 这是一个可以接受的结果,只要教练 熟悉易访问性指南吗.


OER作者也可以在Canvas中进行编辑. 在Canvas中格式化课程需要更多 planning, you will usually need to organize the course generally before the OER material 添加.


的 videos below provide general formatting instructions for both Word and Canvas.




Formatting an OER textbook to be accessible and readable generally requires attention 在以下方面:

  • 标题

  • 字体大小、样式和间距一致性

  • 特殊功能

  • 列表

  • 图片

  • 引用

Using consistent styles in the above areas allows 教科书 to be more visually 具有吸引力和可读性. 一致的风格也能向学生传达信息 who can then rely on the structure of 教科书 for informational cues. 一个一致的 style also keeps 教科书 organized and, therefore, more user-friendly to students as well as easier to edit in the future should the instructor wish to make changes.


在Word中将章节标题和子节标记为标题. 标题1应该是 最大的标题,教科书的标题. 通常,下一层的标题, 标题2是一个章节的标题. 本章的小节是标题3. If any of those sections have sub-sections, they would be Heading 4, and so on, with the heading levels decreasing as the material continues onto the next chapter, which 还是标题2接着标题3,等等.


Below is an example of different styles for the headings of a textbook.



的 textbook should have consistent headings so that students can easily understand 信息是如何组织的. 例如,标题2应该在整个过程中看起来相同 课本的样式、颜色、间距和字体.


有关使用Word样式的深入说明,请参阅 第十六章 无障碍在线设计的最佳实践Heather Caprette的《星际娱乐app》.


的 body text of 教科书 should be a consistent font size and style. 异常 should be made only to emphasize something, indicate a link, or for some other specific 目的.

OER specialists typically use the following guidelines when formatting the body text 教科书的:

  • Calibri作为字体
  • 字体:12pt
  • 字体为黑色
  • Font is not italicized, underlined, or bolded unless something is being emphasized (note: Underlining should be reserved for indicating hyperlinks and should not be 用于强调单词)
  • Words are a single space apart and sentences are also a single space apart
  • 段落是单行的
    • 段落之间留一个空格
    • Avoid using “Normal” style spacing, which adds space automatically but isn’t read 例如,谷歌文档中的空格也是如此. 使教科书文献更加丰富 easily transferable between 文件 types, use a space in between paragraphs and not the automatically generated gap that the “Normal” style inserts (usually an 8 pt space).
  • 每页两边都有一英寸的空白处

It is strongly recommended that everyone involved in a project agree upon how to address 在开始之前注意到上面的项目. 您可能希望开发一个内部 风格指南


特殊功能应该遵循一致的风格和配色方案. 一些OER专家 select a palette for special features that is used throughout 教科书 and applied 标题也是如此. 特殊功能由表格制成,可以包括:

  • 显示行和列信息的表
  • Single-cell tables displaying call-out boxes, think-about it questions, or other features 导师期望

的 fonts, styles, and colors used in the special features should be consistent throughout 教科书. 特殊功能 should be labelled with a figure number if they are 多单元格表. 非多单元格表的特殊功能应该有 单元格内的标题. 但是,这个标题不应该被格式化为标题,因为 许多屏幕阅读器无法识别表中的标题.



两个特殊功能的例子. 第一个是一个别针盒,左上角有一个图钉图标. 的 second is a think-about-it box with a question mark icon in the upper left.

Jump to the 可访问性 section on Formatting Tables for further details.


All lists, both numbered and bulleted, should be designated as lists with在字(词). Numbered lists should not be numbers simply typed out and spaced manually but should be automatically generated with Word’s numbering tool so that screen readers can accurately 向学生传达列表信息.




Bulleted lists should have the same type of bullets used throughout. 子弹应该 大小相同. Sometimes when information is copied from another source, the bullets 是否与Word中自动生成的大小不同. 这很容易补救, as selecting the bullet allows its size to 被改变 just as the text’s size can 被改变.


的 indentation of bullets and numbered lists should be consistent throughout the 还有教科书.


图片应该与文字对齐. 这意味着文本不会绕行 图像. 不能在图像周围换行文本.


图片 should have alternative text (usually referred to as alt text), which can be 通过右键单击图像访问.


图像可以向左、向右或居中对齐. 这是一个设计偏好和可以 被修改.


图像应该为每个图像列出图形编号. 这允许教师和 文本引用特定的图像很容易. 与数字有关的脚注 也允许一个清晰和有组织的系统引用.


Below is an example of an image with a figure number, brief caption, and a footnote 与引文相关联.

An example image with a figure number and caption displayed below 图像


引文应该使用相同的字体、样式和顺序. 一些OER专家引用 本格式的公开许可材料:


文本标题 by 作者 是根据 许可证


带下划线的单词通常是链接. 如果没有指向内容的链接, 列出内容的标题和 不 强调它.


As shown above, some citations will have different language depending on the nature 源代码及其许可证.


Footnotes can help organize citations and can be accessed in the "References" tab 在字(词).


Once 教科书 has been formatted, read through it to catch typos, formatting inconsistencies, 语法错误. 找一个没有编排过教材的人是很有帮助的 或者是通篇阅读的教育材料. 有一个全新的视角真的很有帮助!


Ask anyone who is reviewing the text to use the "track-changes" and "comment" features 在字(词) so that changes can be readily seen and also reversed, should any changes 严重影响文档的格式.


的 following resources provide additional guides for creating openly 许可证d teaching 材料.

  • BC校园创建了一个 自助出版指南 a reference for individual educators or institutions wanting to write and self-publish 开放的教科书. 本指南详细介绍了准备、计划、写作、 公开教科书的出版和维护.​

  • Pressbooks 是OER发布工具吗. Pressbooks软件帮助教育工作者和作家创作 美观,格式正确,文本一次性出版费用.