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Yes! One aim of OER is to help students achieve their educational goals without the additional expense of textbook costs (which amount to $2 billion nationally). While all digital OER are free, some OER are also available in print at low cost.


OER are often released under intellectual property licenses (such as, Creative Commons). Some of these licenses allow faculty to freely reuse, remix, revise, and/or redistribute 教育材料. There are other free educational resources in the public domain, but they are not considered OER since they require permission from the copyright holder 为了被重新分发或修改.


To learn more about the different types of Creative Commons licenses:


CC-BY licenses are the most flexible because they allow for the remixing, modification, and distribution of the work, as long as the original author is credited. For more on CC-BY: http://opencontent.org/blog/archives/4818


This graphic depicts the different licenses in terms of whether they are more open 或限制.




OER是一项相当近期且正在进行的努力. 有些人有很多OER选择 纪律严明,对别人却很少. 如果你现在找不到你的课程的OER,去查一下 再过几个月,你也可以自己创建一个! OER依靠知识渊博的志愿者 in their field and willing to freely share their own teaching/learning material.

OER的质量怎么样? 他们经过审查了吗??

与传统教科书一样,OER在质量上也各不相同. 的过程类似的 selecting a textbook, faculty should use discretion and carefully review the material 然后再分配给学生. 许多OER包括评级和书面同行评议. 其他OER需要教师的额外审查. 就货币而言,OER通常是 more up-to-date than textbooks, since online material can be frequently updated. For 关于OERs的功效和影响的更多信息,请参见: http://openedgroup.org/review


The best course of action is for faculty to include a representative textbook commonly 被接受为COR上的必需文本. 教师使用传统上公认的教科书 as guide when choosing OERs that best align with the representative text on the COR. Per, 《星际线上娱乐》重访, pg. 34, “OER materials should be vetted by faculty in the discipline prior to adoption as 所需的材料.”




If you use an OER textbook resource as a bibliographic reference, at a minimum the 参考教材应包括以下列表(1-6). 


CSU & UC need the publication date and revision date if appropriate. 

Additional information that can be added if available includes, “Copyright holder.” 这些信息可以添加在参考文献的末尾. 


1. Author: e.g., OpenStax 

2. Name : e.g.、生物学 

3. 出版者:e.g.、OpenStax CNX 

4. 出版日期 

5. 链接/进程ID 

6. 许可下/ 



OpenStax、生物学. OpenStax CNX. 2016年10月21日http://cnx.org/contents/185cbf87-c72e-48f5-b51e-f14f21b5eabd@10.61. 根据知识共享署名许可.0.


The Grossmont AFT contract protects faculty’s academic freedom, including the freedom 选择在他们的课程中分配哪些材料. 标题5(与课程相关) is broad and does not specify that faculty must use print textbooks published by for-profit 出版商.


CSU & UC GE可转移性(政策于11月更新. 2016): 建议的课程应包括至少一本教科书. 审稿人使用代表 text as a way to confirm their understanding of course content. 可以理解的是 the instructor in a given section may choose a different text, but the proposed one 是否仍然受到密切关注. 文章的结构应该会 与课程大纲保持一致. 包括额外的阅读是一个很好的方法 to demonstrate that multiple points of view will be evaluated, as a means of developing 批判性思维. 文本不需要以硬拷贝的形式发布. UC和CSU对此表示欢迎 the use of online texts and other Open Educational Resources, so long as the resource is a stable, bona fide publicly available as a published textbook, and not just a 链接到课堂讲稿或其他网页的集合. 


课程衔接注意事项: CSU and UC campus departments consider the content of textbooks when reviewing course-to-course articulation proposals and course outlines of record (COR) from the California Community 学院(CCC). 

The use of online texts is reviewed by UC campuses on a case-by-case basis for articulation 与CCCs合作. Texts, both online and traditional, must be dated within seven years 对于大多数课程提交.

虽然一些OER资源是ADA可访问的,但其他资源则不是. 这是责任 of each faculty member to ensure that their materials are accessible. 最好的方法 is to incorporate universal design into the development of a course from its inception, 而不是先建好课程,然后让它变得容易接近. 幸运的是,一些OER是 modifiable (if, for example, they have a CC-BY license) so they can be changed to 遵守ADA规定.
OER include a wide range of resources: entire online courses, modules, online textbooks, 文章、视频、评估(e.g. 测验、测试、教案、音频文件等. 有些开放资源包括补充材料(例如.g. 测试银行),其他银行则没有. If supplementary materials are important to you, then you may need to search more to find an adequate OER or you could contribute your own supplementary materials.

OER, open educational resources, are defined as teaching and learning materials that are either in the public domain, or created and distributed under an open license which allows them to be revised, remixed, retained, redistributed, or reused. OER are free for students in digital form, and in many cases can be printed for a fraction 什么商业资源的成本购买. 


ZTC stands for "zero textbook cost" and is applied to courses in which faculty either use OER, or other freely available resources in place of traditional textbooks or 其他昂贵的学习材料. 加州SB 1359 established the following parameters for what constitutes a ZTC course:

  • 所有指定的教科书都是可选的.
  • All assigned textbooks are identified as Open Educational Resource (OER) textbooks.
  • Assigned textbooks (including course readers) are available online for free (i.e. through library databases), AND students are not required to buy a physical copy.


  • 实验材料或所需的供应是 not 被认为是教科书成本. 如果课程部分符合上述参数, 但这部分需要材料费 仍然有资格 作为ZTC根据国家指导方针. (Note: a lab manual is considered a textbook and must be available to students at no cost to permit ZTC 班级名称.)
  • If students need to pay fees to access a software platform to do coursework or homework, 这也算成本,课程部分也算 not 符合ZTC的资格. 

The first semester that a faculty member is teaching their course as ZTC they need 要完成 ZTC验证表.


Once the class has been verified as ZTC, the OER/ZTC task force will convey the information 到教学操作. 


Faculty should only have to do this one time for each course, as the line sheets roll 从一个学期到另一个学期. 然而,错误确实会发生. 如果你需要检查 your ZTC status, or if you see an error in the class schedule after you have submitted 您的验证表格,请与OER图书管理员联系 Zayden运动.



Yes, the 星际线上娱乐 OER/ZTC task force has recently begun collecting a nukber 与学校开设的ZTC课程相关的统计数据. 以下是一些结果 从2019年秋季学期开始:


学生成功率对照表. 一般人群


中专学生与中专学生的成功率对照表. 一般人群


To learn more, contact a member of the OER/ZTC task force found under the Contact 我们的网页.