


El Cajon, CA 92020-1799 USA
Official Telephone: (619) 644-7000



星际线上娱乐 is located in east 圣地亚哥 County. 格罗斯蒙特是一所综合性大学 community college offering lower division courses and academic preparation which will permit you to transfer to any campus in the California State University and University of California systems, as well as to many private colleges and universities. 学院 also offers relevant and up-to-date vocational programs to enable students to prepare for employment in the private and public sectors.
教育系统: California Community College System
最近的大都市区: 圣地亚哥,加州
机构职能类型: 两年的大学
学生主体: 男女合校的
成立年份: 1961
星际线上娱乐日历: 学期
证书提供: 是的
Transfer Associate Degree offered: 是的
提供终端副学士学位: 是的
Minimum number of units required to graduate with an associate degree: 60个单位
Does the institution have a core curriculum or university-wide distribution requirements that must be satisfied in order to graduate: 是的
Does the institution have a math/science requirement for all students: 是的
Does the institution have a computer course requirement for all students: No
Does the institution require an internship for all students: No
Does the institution require an internship for students in some majors: 是的
Does the institution offer an 英语 as a Second Language (ESL) program: 是的
Does the institution offer independent study: 是的
Does the institution offer Advanced Placement Credit: 是的
Does the institution offer an accelerated degree program: No
Does the institution offer student-designed majors: 是的
Does the institution offer a Freshman Honors College: No
Does the institution offer an honors program: 是的
Does the institution offer a cooperative (work-study) program: 是的
Does the institution offer an internship program: 是的
Does the institution offer off-campus study: 是的
Does the institution offer a summer session for credit: 是的
Does the institution sponsor its own study-abroad program: No
Does the institution offer formal programs for students who have previously completed or withdrawn from a full-time school or college program: 是的
Does the institution offer an External Degree Program, in which students earn credits toward a degree through independent study, college courses, proficiency examinations, and personal experience (with minimal or no classroom attendance required):


Does the institution offer part-time undergraduate degree programs:


Are there courses offered for part-time students during the daytime:


Are there courses offered for part-time students during the evening:


Are there courses offered for part-time students during the summer:


  • 司法行政 for Transfer (AS-T)
  • 司法行政
  • 美国手语
  • 阿拉伯语
  • 艺术史转学课程(AA-T)
  • 转学艺术工作室(AA-T)
  • 艺术
  • 生物科学
  • 工商管理 for Transfer (AS-T)
  • 工商管理
  • 业务-一般
  • 商务办公技术
  • 心血管技术
  • 化学
  • 儿童发展
    - 儿童发展 Site Supervisor
  • 沟通 Studies for Transfer (AA-T)
  • 沟通
  • Computer Science Information Systems
    - Local Area Network (LAN) Support Specialist
  • 跨文化研究
  • 烹饪艺术
    ——烤 & 糕点
  • 跳舞
  • 残疾服务管理
  • 幼儿教育(AS-T)
  • 转移经济学(AA-T)
  • 经济学
  • 转学英语(AA-T)
  • 英语
    - - - - - -英语
  • 运动科学与健康
  • 法国
  • 一般的研究
    - Science and Quantitative Reasoning
  • 地理转移(AA-T)
  • 地理位置
  • 地质转移(AS-T)
  • 地质
  • 德国
  • 转学记录(AA-T)
  • 历史
  • Hospitality and Tourism 管理
  • 国际业务
  • 日本
  • 管理
  • 市场营销
  • 迁移数学(AS-T)
  • 数学
  • 媒体通信
  • 多媒体
  • 音乐转移(AA-T)
  • 音乐
  • 护理
    - lwn - rn过渡方案
  • 职业治疗助理
  • 海洋学
  • 整形技术
  • 转移哲学(AA-T)
  • 哲学
  • 物理转移(AS-T)
  • 物理
  • 政治科学 for Transfer (AA-T)
  • 政治科学
  • 迁移心理学(AA-T)
  • 呼吸治疗
  • 零售管理
  • 俄罗斯
  • 转移社会学(AA-T)
  • 转学西班牙语(AA-T)
  • 西班牙语
  • 戏剧艺术
  • 大学研究

    - 数学 and Natural Science and Computer Science
专任教师人数: 220
兼职教师人数: 574
Total number of students enrolled in the institution: 18,241
描述 男人 女性
Total number of full-time undergraduate students: 3,160 3,849
Total number of part-time undergraduate students: 4,362 6,870
Percentage of degree-seeking undergraduates age 25 or older: 38%
Number of foreign countries from which undergraduates come: 52
The institution belongs to the following athletic divisions:
  • National Junior College Athletics Association (NJCAA):
男人的校际: Baseball, Basketball, Cross-Country Running, Football, Golf, Swimming, Tennis, Track & 田径、排球、水球
女性的校际: Basketball, Soccer, Softball, Swimming, Tennis, Volleyball, Water Polo
男人的校内: N/A
女性的校内: N/A
男子奖学金: N/A
女子奖学金: N/A
校园环境: 郊区
Major metropolitan area easily accessible from campus: 圣地亚哥
校园大小: 135英亩
  • The institution has a student-run campus newspaper.
  • The institution has a drama/theatre group.
  • The institution has a student-run radio station.
  • The institution does not have a marching band.
  • The institution does not have fraternities on campus.
  • The institution does not have sororities on campus.
Number of student organizations with open membership:


  • The institution provides legal services.
  • The institution provides a health clinic.
  • The institution provides personal/psychological counseling.
  • 24-hour telephone/alarm devices are available.
  • 有学生巡逻.
  • A late-night transport service/escort service is available.
Number of full-time career center staff:


Number of part-time career center staff:


  • Job fairs are available to students through the career center.
  • A career library is available to students through the career center.
  • Resume preparation is available to students through the career center.
  • Individual career counseling/planning is available to all students.
  • Group career counseling/planning is available to all students.
  • Individual job placement is available to all students.