Whether you do or do not have DACA, please use our FREE Legal Immigration Services for DACA consultations through the Jewish Family Services HELS program. Depending on funding availability, HELS may help pay the DACA application costs. 

What is DACA?

The Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program was established by the U.S. Department of Homeland Security (DHS) in June 2012. Under this program, individuals meeting specified requirements can apply to have a deportation action deferred and employment authorization for two years, subject to renewal for an additional two years. Students under DACA are considered by DHS to be lawfully present in the United States during the period of deferred action. (source)


What is happening with DACA now?

Please click this link for DACA updates: http://immigrantsrising.org/daca/


Resources related to DACA:

    "There is ongoing uncertainty for the immigrant community in these times. Threats of ending DACA and drastic changes in immigration policy make us yearn for stability. We’ve compiled these resources to help you explore your options as an immigrant—with or without DACA. Whether it’s learning about the long-term immigration options, renewing and applying for DACA, starting your own business, or taking care of your mental and emotional well-being, we’ve got your back in your undocu-journey."
  • UndocuThrive with/out DACA Series: 
    "[These video] series is designed to prepare our entire community— including those with DACA and those without it—for the future. Throughout the series, we will share information and resources that will help you better understand the legal, educational, mental health, and entrepreneurial opportunities at your disposal. There is so much that is out of our control, but there are also many ways we can assert agency over our lives and take back our power!
  • ONWARD: " the main vision of Our Network for the Wellbeing and Advancement of Relocated Dreamers (ONWARD) is to develop a community and support network for DREAMers and DACA recipients who departed from the United States."