

Counseling General Questions


1. Where is the Counseling Center located?

A. We are located in Building 10 - Student Services & Administration Building


2. How do I see a counselor?

A. Please see In-Person Services and Virtual Services


3. How do I clear prerequisites?

A. Please see Prerequisite Clearance Information


4. 我如何获得其他学院/大学的成绩单评估?

A. 您所就读的其他学院/大学的所有正式成绩单 必须在档案中,而且你必须是星际娱乐app的在校生 to evaluate your transcripts. 请发送所有学院/大学的正式成绩单 you have attended to Admissions and Records. Once the transcripts have been received, 请在小型会议上与辅导员会面,提出评估请求.



Counseling Academic Questions

How many units should I enroll in?

It depends on your unique situation. Students who are employed fulltime (40 or more 每周工作时间)应该限制在不超过6个单元. If you are employed 每周不超过20个小时,你可以报名参加12个或更多的课程 you don't have additional time commitments (e.g. child, spouse, outside activities). 如果你没有工作,全日制课程(12-18个单元)可能是合适的. However, 如果你从未上过大学,或者是一名返校学生,那么你应该放松 每学期选修6-9门课程,成为学校的常规课程.


下面的图表是一个很有价值的工具,为学生估计的时间量 needed to support a quality learning experience:


Work (Hr/Wk) Recommended Units per Semester Estimated Study Time Total Hours per Week
40 6 12 58
30 9 18 57
20 12 24 56
10 15 30 55
0 18 36 54



  • 和你的老师谈谈(记住,老师会留出时间和学生见面 outside of the classroom).
  • 利用学习资源中心的学习实验室和辅导中心.
  • 与咨询师讨论其他可行的选择(建立学习小组, developing an educational plan, etc.)

Do I need to have a major?

Not right away. 参加通识教育课程给你一个探索的机会 your interests before choosing a major. By your second or third semester you should have narrowed down the majors that interest you.


利用咨询和转学中心阅读大学的专业要求 你正在考虑就读的转学机构. There are also books available 在转学中心对全国专业进行排名,并描述了150个最受欢迎的专业 majors.

Visit the College Success Profile for more information on choosing a major.

Do I need a degree to transfer?

虽然没有必要获得副学士学位转学,咨询 Department highly recommends it. 通过上两门运动科学和健康课程 除了满足转学要求外,你还可以获得大学学位. A counselor 能帮助你完成短期和长期的教育目标吗.

Check out the graduation checklist for more information.

Should I take all general education classes first?

如果你的英语评估水平是098/098R或以下,我们建议你 集中精力提高大学水平的阅读和写作技能. Taking an 无论你在哪里评估,第一学期的英语课程都是一个好主意. If 如果你的英语成绩在110分或以上,你应该考虑参加通识教育课程 你感兴趣的和/或与你专业相关的课程. For example, if you 是数学或科学专业的学生,你必须尽快开始学习数学吗 as possible. 选一门你喜欢的选修课(吉他、表演、舞蹈或计算机) 好主意是因为它能让你的大学生活更有意义吗.

What does it mean to crash a class?

当你想注册一门关闭的课程时,你可以把你的名字写在 Wait List. 参加第一次班级会议,并要求老师给你 an "add code" to officially enroll. 对于在线课程,请发电子邮件向讲师提出要求 an "add code". 


Make an appointment with a counselor. He or she can help you prepare a Comprehensive 教育计划,使您可以实现您的目标,根据您的可用 time. 根据个人情况,有些学生的学习时间会比其他学生长.

What is a full-time or part-time student?

Number of Units Enrollment Status
12+ Full time
9-11.5 3/4 time
6-8.5 Half-time
5.5 or less Part-time

What is a unit?

单位是衡量大学作业的标准,反映了所授学分的数量 to a course. 一般来说,每个单元每周有一小时的上课时间 a course is assigned.

What is an AA or an AS Degree?

文科副学士(AA)或理科副学士(AS)学位由社区颁发 完成一个有组织的60个单元的学习计划后,进入大学.

What is a BA or BS Degree?

文学学士(BA)或科学学士(BS)是由四年制大学授予的学位 完成有组织的学习项目后的学院或大学 of approximately 124 semester units.

What is a Certificate Program?

证书课程是提供职业培训和课程的职业课程 在选定的职业领域,例如,烹饪艺术-烘焙和糕点.

What is General Education?

通识教育是指为提高学生的能力而开设的一系列广泛的课程 knowledge of a variety of subjects. 它们是你专业之外的必修课 所有获得AA/AS或BA/BS学位的学生.
These courses are listed in the Grossmont College catalog.

What is a major?

专业是一组或一系列的课程,旨在提供密集的教育或 training in a specialized area. 你可以同时修AA/AS和学士学位 Degree program.

What is a prerequisite?

先决条件是在注册某一特定课程之前必须满足的要求 课程-通常是入学考试或完成预科课程.

What is a semester?


What is lower-division?

低年级是指大一和大二的学生和课程 of college study. 社区大学只提供低级别的课程.

What is upper-division?

高年级是指大学三年级或高年级的学生或课程 study.

What is a transferable course?

可转学分课程是指在星际娱乐app被四年制学生接受的课程 college or university.

What is a transfer major?

转专业主要是为计划转到四年制大学的学生准备的 school where the major will be completed.

What is the CSU system?

CSU系统代表加州州立大学系统. It includes 23 campuses which accept the top 1/3 of high school graduates. Two local examples are SDSU and CSU San Marcos.

What is the UC system?

UC系统代表加州大学系统. The UC System includes 10 campuses and accepts the top 12.5 percent of high school graduates. UCSD is the closest campus to Grossmont College.