1. Commencement Ceremony

2.  Broadcast Ceremony

3.  Graduate Check-in

4.  Tickets and Seating 

5.  Entrance to Arena

6.  Bag Policy and Prohibited Items

7.  Inclement Weather

8.  Photography

9.  Disability Access

10. Parking and Transportation 

11. SDSU Campus Map 

12. Concessions

13. Questions



1.  Commencement Ceremony

When: Thursday, May 30, 2024
Where: Viejas Arena

Time: 9:30am - 12:00pm

第63届星际娱乐app毕业典礼将持续两个半小时. 所有的毕业生和来宾都要留在这里,直到毕业典礼结束.


仪式将包括学院领导和其他演讲者的讲话. 学院领导也将在典礼上颁发学位.


毕业生上台时,会有人大声念出他们的名字. A live video of 每一位走过舞台的毕业生都会出现在大屏幕上. Graduates will receive 上台后,由专业摄影师拍摄毕业证书封面和专业照片 GradImages Photography.


毕业生将在一楼离开Viejas Arena,而客人将从顶层离开 gates. Guests will not be able to enter the arena floor. Please do not congregate in front of the arena exits.


2.  Broadcast Ceremony

如因个人原因未能亲自出席颁奖典礼,颁奖典礼亦会安排专人到场 可以通过YouTube、Facebook和毕业典礼上的直播观看 website at www.youtharcade.net/commencement


3. Graduate Check-In

Graduates please check back for check-in time. 

一旦你进入圣地亚哥州立大学校园的13号停车场,你就会 被引导到由格罗斯蒙特大学招生办工作人员组成的桌子上 & Records team. At 您将登记参加仪式并获得名片 for you to complete prior to crossing the stage.


由于严格的安全措施,所有参加毕业典礼的毕业生 要求出示他们的学生证或政府签发的有效证件 picture ID in order to be admitted to Viejas Arena. Students who do not bring valid ID will not be allowed to participate in commencement. Student Identification Cards 作为注册过程的一部分,更换卡是免费的 the Admissions and Records office located in Building 10.


一旦你注册了,学院的代表将帮助你组织 correct processional line.

Please check back for the processional start time. 仪式预计将持续大约两个半小时. 所有的毕业生和来宾都要留在这里,直到毕业典礼结束.


4.  Tickets and Seating

星际娱乐app的毕业典礼是向所有的毕业生嘉宾开放的 admission tickets are necessary to attend or participate.


客人座位先到先得,没有指定座位 this event.


应该鼓励家人和客人早点到达,因为可能会有延误 with entry inspections and traffic.


The ceremony is expected to last two and a half hours. All graduates and guests should plan to remain until the ceremony is concluded.


5. Entrance to Arena

毕业生必须从地面进入13号地段(Viejas Arena北面) from Parking Structure 12. 所有客人必须通过主入口进入维哈斯竞技场 gates.


应该鼓励家人和客人早点到达,因为可能会有延误 with entry inspections and traffic. 


由于严格的安全措施,所有参加毕业典礼的毕业生 要求出示他们的学生证或政府签发的有效证件 picture ID in order to be admitted to Viejas Arena. Students who do not bring valid ID will not be allowed to participate in commencement. Student Identification Cards 作为注册过程的一部分,更换卡是免费的 the Admissions and Records office located in Building 10.


6. Bag Policy and Prohibited Items

Plan your visit accordingly. Viejas Arena is a clear bag venue. 塑料袋必须是透明塑料或透明乙烯基,尺寸不得超过12英寸× 6英寸× 12英寸 one-gallon clear plastic freezer bag. Small purses, bags, or clutches (clear or non-clear) no larger than 4.5" x 6.5" will be allowed.

请尽早到达,耐心等待,因为我们正在努力确保一个安全的环境. All bags 在进入和进入设施前是否要接受搜查.

禁止携带的物品包括但不限于:大袋子/背包、婴儿车、 雨伞、大于20 " x20 "的横幅和标牌、气球、武器、酒精饮料、 玻璃容器,各种噪音制造者,非服务性动物,滑板和滚轴 shoes. Visit the Viejas Arena A-Z Guide for more information.


Commencement is a joyous celebration. Throughout the formal portions of the ceremony, 毕业生和来宾被要求保持适当的礼仪与尊严相称 of a college commencement. We will not tolerate inappropriate behavior, including, 但不限于大喊大叫,暴力,恐吓,威胁,骚扰,攻击, swearing, damage, abuse, or sexual harassment. Individuals who are aggressive toward 工作人员或其他访客将被赶出仪式并被护送离开.


7. Inclement Weather

如遇下雨,毕业生应到停车场对面的13号停车场 12, please check back for assembly time. 


一旦毕业生通过安检并出示他们的星际娱乐app身份证,他们就会 直接进入Viejas竞技场,他们将在那里就座.


请注意,毕业生将无法携带雨伞进入竞技场,因为 在竞技场地板上活动受限,有绊倒危险. However, there 开幕式期间,入口处会设置雨伞存放箱吗.


所有客人都可以携带雨伞进入竞技场,但不能携带更大的雨伞 than 20" and must be collapsible.


8.  Photography

来宾必须保持座位直到仪式结束. You will not be allowed 为了拍照或录像而站在过道或挡住别人的视线. Camera tripods are not allowed in Viejas Arena. 


GradImages Photography将为每位在舞台上的毕业生拍摄照片 commencement ceremony. 每位毕业生都将收到毕业证明 photographs via the manner (email, text, mail, etc.)  selected on the name reader card. 你将有机会购买印刷品后,你看到你的样稿.  


在毕业典礼之前,毕业生也可以通过访问提前注册 www.gradimages.com and clicking on “Pre-Event Email Registration.” There you will enter your email address and up to six emails for others to view and order your photos.


如果您对毕业典礼照片有任何疑问,请访问 http://www.gradimages.com/  or call toll-free 1-800-261-2576


9.  Disability Access

Visit the Viejas Arena Disabled Services A-Z Guide for specific venue information.


Graduate Accommodations

需要帮助的毕业生(行动能力,手语翻译,无障碍) formats, etc.)必须联系无障碍资源中心619-644-7112 prior to Thursday, May 16, 2024 to request accommodations. Please note: The College does not provide personal care attendants.


American Sign Language Interpreters

美国手语翻译将在舞台上的每个仪式在Viejas竞技场. The ASL interpreters will be on the right-hand side as you face the stage. Please contact the Accessibility 资源中心有关聋人客人座位的更多信息.


Streaming closed-captions

如果你想使用毕业典礼上提供的流媒体字幕服务, 请用您的智能手机登录Viejas Arena的客人wifi. Once you have wifi access closed captioning will be available via the ceremony broadcast


10. Transportation and Parking

Viejas体育馆的活动指定停车场在12号和7号停车场. Parking 12号及7号泊位将免费供出席仪式人士及嘉宾使用. Please visit the Parking & Directions page for further information.


Viejas体育馆位于圣地亚哥州立大学校园,那里有一辆MTS巴士和 电车车站在设施东边大约四分之一英里处. The SDSU trolley station lies on the Green Line that runs east and west. Visit the MTS website for further details, and visit our Parking & Directions page for directions from the SDSU MTS station to Viejas Arena.


Visit the Viejas Arena A-Z Guide for more information.


11.  SDSU Campus Map

 Below is a map of the SDSU campus. Guests should park in parking structure 12.

(On the map in grey above the words "Convocation Ceremony")


sdsu map


12. Concessions

在上层大厅里和外面都有小卖部 – and on the floor level. Visit our Concessions page for a list of menu items. Visit the Viejas Arena A-Z Guide for more information.


13. Questions

If you have further questions, please contact:

  • For further questions about the 63rd Annual Commencement Ceremony please email graduation@gcccd.edu
    • Graduates are encouraged to attend the Graduation Information Session – please check back for date and time. 
  • For questions regarding the status of your graduation application & the mailing of your degree please email Evaluations at Grossmont.Evaluations@gcccd.edu.
  • For graduates in need of disability accommodations,请致电619-644-7112联系格罗斯蒙特大学无障碍资源中心.






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