POST - PC 832 Laws of Arrest




pc832逮捕法- 40小时课程(一周格式) 
AOJ 102


8:00am-5:00pm, Monday - Friday
Section # 
Approximate cost:  $91, plus $2.00 per day for parking.
注册:如果您还没有注册,请立即在线申请成为学生 student at Grossmont or Cuyamaca College. 


Firearms - (TBD) 


Go to, 点击“学生服务”链接,然后点击黄色的“申请” & enroll button" for the college application.  There are two parts to this application, so be sure 提交这两部分,否则你的申请将不会提交给学院.


AOJ 101D FIREARMS FOR PC 832 (24-hours) - (TBD)


根据加州刑法典,你必须年满18岁才能参加本课程 Sections 29615 and 29655.  如果你未满18岁,你一定写过 permission from a parent or legal guardian.  Please contact the AOJ Department at 619-644-7323 to obtain a waiver.


3 Saturdays Only (must attend all 3 days for credit)



所有的大学费用必须在第一天上课前支付.  All equipment is 上课第一天就需要,因为你会在靶场.

费用:23美元+ 21美元医疗费,2美元每日停车费和1美元.00 student fee*. Parking permit needed for firearms half day on campus ($47 total).  The following equipment will need to be purchased by you:

  1. 450 rounds of .40口径子弹(第一天需要100发)
    (Factory ammo only, No reloads, No lead!)
  2. Shooting glasses
  3. Hearing protection
  4. 12个目标(仅限B-27标准- 24x45)标准黑白(无彩色)
  5. Cleaning kit

那些对枪支感兴趣的人必须在注册前下载一个背景包. DOJ clearance is date sensitive. Last date to submit DOJ is Dec. 2019年12月2日下午4点之前,必须将材料提交给AOJ办公室. 18.  虽然没有司法部提交的文件可以保证及时返回课程,这 gives DOJ a 5-week turn-around-time for clearances.  However, if you decide to take 有机会参加本课程,星际娱乐app星际娱乐app的工作人员将不会 对任何延迟或拒绝批准结果或取消课程负责.  没有司法部的许可,学生不得进入靶场.


如果你已经有了PC 832,并且只需要枪械课程,你可以选择枪械 only class by paying the required fees.  Parking is required the first day only, for $2.00.   


*Student fees: $1 for student govt. fee per semester per student. If you are registered 在其他课程中,您将不再需要支付这些费用.


You may purchase daily parking permits for $2.00 per day instead of semester parking 如果这是你在校园里唯一的一门课,那就允许.

All prices are for Ca residents.




首先向大学申请,如果对枪支感兴趣,你必须下载一份背景资料 packet prior to enrolling. POST要求司法部在90天内批准 of the actual course. 日期较早的信件将无效,并要求您 re-submit your DOJ application.




We provide the firearm (Glock .40) & holster, but you must provide all other equipment. You may use your own 9mm or .40 cal. firearm. All others must be approved.  Please 注意,任何“1911平台”武器都是不允许的.




Applicants MUST NOT have any FELONY CONVICTIONS! 此外,你不能有任何毒品,武器,袭击或家庭暴力的定罪! 如果你有与武器有关的临时限制令,你就不符合资格。 assaults or domestic violence!  一些心理上的羁绊也会让你失去参加比赛的资格 taking this course.


关于如何在您的申请后注册我们的课程的分步说明 已提交,请打开“网上报名”. This is good for all classes, just be sure to use the correct section number.


Background Packet

请下载此背景资料包(10月10日提供). 29) and complete the DOJ Live Scan before Dec. 2, 2019, before 4:00PM.  All packets must be submitted to the AOJ office before 4:00PM on Dec. 18日,学校将放寒假.

首先必须完成星际娱乐app的申请,并且您的学生证号码可以 be obtained after the 24-hour processing time. Do not submit packet to the AOJ office without a student ID#.

Walk-in Office Hours:  Tues. & Thurs., 2:00- 4:00PM
Appointments:  Mon. - Thurs. 9:30 - 4:30PM (except Dec. 18)




Register on the Internet

How to Register (after DOJ approval for firearms & academy courses)


在你注册课程之前,你必须有一份申请文件,这需要 24 hours to process your application. If you are a returning student, and have been 旷课一年以上,必须重新向学院申请.  You can only register at your appointment time or after.    

To apply,, click "student services" then yellow "apply & enroll online".

Login at 并在申请获批后(24小时后)点击“自助服务” submission)


From Self-Service:


Login: first time logging in, use your firstname.lastname, and your password will 以“MMDDYY”格式(010101)显示您的生日,没有破折号或斜杠.  If you have 一个普通的名字,你的姓后面可能有数字.  You can verify your login, 通过点击页面底部的“账号信息”,再点击“我的账号是什么” user ID?”


点击右侧的“注册日期/时间”确认注册日期和时间 of screen, near the top.


Select “search, plan & “注册”-这将引导您进入新的自助服务系统.




在右上角的搜索框中输入你想要的课程.  For the corrections 学院,键入aoj100并对应字母A-D,或aoj101并对应字母 A-D.  Course number must be exact. Check Self-Service for correct course number or view website above.


选择“查看AOJ-100和相应字母A-D或AOJ-101的可用部分”, and corresponding letter A-D.


点击屏幕右侧的蓝色大框“添加区段到计划”.  You will be asked to select “add to schedule again”.  You can search / add for all of your classes in one step while in this section.


To register, select “student planning & registration” at top of page & then “plan and schedule”.


从这里开始,您需要单击“2020年春季”或当前学期的箭头.  You will see your course(s) listed on the left.  If all is correct, you may register 每门课程都可以在这里单独注册,或者你可以注册所有的课程 右上方的课程“立即注册所有已安排的课程”.


如果你看到一个有红线的圆圈,这意味着你没有一个或多个 following:

  • 现在还不是你注册的时候,请回到第一步.
  • 您还没有提交您的背景申请,或者您还没有通过 DOJ at this time. Please contact the AOJ office at
  • 你的申请没有被正确提交或没有被处理. Check 在提交申请的两个部分后24小时内退回. If you still cannot register, contact Admissions & Records at 619-644-7172.

要返回到自助服务,使用浏览器顶部的箭头返回键. This 将允许您验证您的注册日期/时间,而不注销 self-service system.


停车许可(如果参加一个学期的课程):从其他服务菜单,右下角 side of menu. Permits are required to park on campus.  If taking short-term classes you may purchase daily permits for $2 per day.  


您可以通过安全的网站在线付款,也可以亲自到收银处付款. 开放时间为周一至周四,上午9:00至下午5:00,周五9:00至下午1:00(周五闭馆) in the summer). 所有费用必须在注册时支付,以防止被 dropped and not receiving credit for the course.